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Love Your Garden Raises Awareness to Parkinson's Disease

This week's Love Your Garden, presented by Yorkshire man Alan Titchmarsh, highlighted living with Parkinson's disease. If you don't watch the programme, it creates gardens for people who often do many good works and contribute to society in various, humbling ways.

Working in social care and seeing people living with Parkinson's is an everyday occurrence, and knowing there's currently no cure for Parkinson's disease, made the programme compulsive viewing.

There was so much going on behind the face of Eileen from Sudbury, Suffolk, a charity shop worker. Eileen is commonly known as a trouper, a never-let-the-side-down kind of woman in sickness and health.

Her delight in a garden where she could keep her husband, Roy, engaged and in a safe space was beautiful to watch.

We all want that for vulnerable people, possibly living with dementia and all its forms. If only we could give everyone a garden full of flowers and memories, better still, let’s try to find a cure.

World Parkinson's Day takes place on 11 April every year to raise awareness of Parkinson's.

Donate to find a cure for Parkinson's Disease here:  Your donations will make a difference | Parkinson's UK (


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